Into which box will you place your "X"? Does life appear fair, or unfair to you? And... were you aware that how you view life depends upon where, on the Ladder of Life, your Soul is perched?
If it was possible to explain the issue of "Fair" or "Unfair" without considering the Spiritual dimension of Life, or Reality, I would explain the issue without such reference. Alas, the only thing a discussion involving Truth accomplishes [when one uses ones brain and its thinking] is to create a discussion like a dog chasing its tail. One gets dizzy going around and around, but one accomplishes nothing but some physical exercise.
Life naturally appears as "Unfair" to those Souls who are new to the form of human being. The reason for this is that they have not as yet ascended the Ladder of Life [or "LOL"] to the level where they can "see" [actually "experience"] the Esoteric vibrational dimensions of Life. These Esoteric dimensions of Life do exist, but they are not capable of being "experienced" by everyone. And I realize this means very little to most people. So, why do I waste my time sharing bits of Reality with readers who are unable to comprehend what I am saying? The only rationale I have is that among those who are exposed to my writing will be those who are "ready" to begin to awaken to something of the Esoteric from within themselves. And.... where else are they to be exposed to the Truth? Especially in this Iron Age of Man?
Most people are content railing at the "injustice" in life. How unfair life is, and how they are "victims" of life. And what is strange is that Life, or Reality, accommodates this ignorance for the many lifetimes many will take to "wake up to a higher truth". This benevolence of Creation is built into the process, so to speak. It is admittedly difficult at times to listen to this complaining by those Souls perched upon the lower rungs of the LOL, but this impatience is a symptom of one having not awakened sufficiently. And this difference between those who are asleep regarding Reality, and those who are awakening to Reality is what causes the arguments between "liberals" and "conservatives". The conservative not realizing the impossibility of helping the liberal "see" what he/she is not ready to see. One is simply blind to Truth until one suddenly is able to "see" the Truth from "within" oneself. And this awakening has absolutely nothing to do with ones IQ, or how many books one has read, or how smart one is. The awakening of Spirituality within a person is a process, and that process is strictly mystical.
So, Life is Absolutely Fair, but to realize this fact, a person has to have ascended up the rungs of the LOL substantially. And this makes no sense to those who are confined to their brains and thinking. In fact, it is not really possible to dissuade those thus confined to thinking about life from what they "think" is true. They will resist with all their might, and sometimes with violence. But, people like myself must try.... until a point is reached that the impossibility of this task is fully realized.
I suppose in the writing of this blog I have finally reached that point myself. So, what is left to say? Let's just say Peace, and let it go.
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